Please visit our enrolments page to find out information about how to enrol your child into Prep.
At what age is my child ready for Prep?
Children must be five by 30 June in the year they enrol in the Preparatory Year to determine which year your child is eligible for Prep. For more information regarding this process please visit the prep ready reckoner.
Age Appropriate Pedagogies
At Durack State School, we have a clear and collaborative vision about teaching and learning in the Early Years which is shared and celebrated by our whole school community. We believe excellent pedagogical practice involves child-initiated learning, where children’s voices and interests are valued and incorporated in the teaching and learning process.
Our staff realise that curriculum can be enacted through engaging and hands-on experiences that use both the children and teachers’ skills, interests and learning styles. We provide opportunities for play based learning, inquiry learning, project-based learning, event-based learning, explicit instruction and direct instruction. The characteristics and approaches outlined in the AAP pedagogy, are further evaluated when considering action responses to the school’s AEDC Report vulnerability areas.
Typical school activities that offer playful learning experiences for our children include:
- Teachers using a range and balance of teaching strategies
- Multi-sensory activities including the use of digital technologies, mixed materials, that focus on our senses touch, sight, smell, taste and hearing are provided in all subject areas and grades
- Embedded hands on experiences providing differentiation for all types of learner styles
- Book Week dress up and celebrations
- Year 5 Market day Project
- Under 8’s Day celebration including Prep-Year 2 hands on creative, child centred, rotational activities where children move about the school.
- Multi-cultural Week e.g. cooking, craft, dancing, storytelling, cultural experiences, song
- NAIDOC Day celebrations e.g. assemblies, cultural experiences, crafts
- 100 days of learning celebration for Prep students e.g. dress up, cooking, craft, singing – a day of acknowledging and celebrating 100 days of learning in Prep