Absences at Durack State School
Our school recognises that 'Every Day Counts'. Once enrolled at Durack it is your responsibility to ensure your child comes to school every day and that they arrive on time, ready to start by 8.50am.
Our school policy is that students may arrive at school from 8:00am on the condition they go to 'Homework Club" or go or the "Breakfast Club area" where they may access breakfast club and activities provided by the parent room until 8.30am. A bell will ring at 8.30am to release students to go to their classroom (may or may not be open) or play area.
Should you wish to collect your child during school hours, you must make contact in person, by phone or by note. You need to report to the office where you complete a sign in process and will be issued with an early slip which they take to the class teacher in order to collect your child. Parents are not to collect children from classrooms without this slip from the office.
If your child is absent on any occasion, please:
- Provide a note signed by you explaining the reason for the absence. This must be sent to the office, or
- Call the absence line on (07) 3714 2660 and leave a brief message stating your name and relationship to child, the child's name and class; reason for absence and expected return date.
- In the interest of student safety, an SMS will be sent to one parent who has a recorded mobile phone number, advising them of their students' unexplained absence for that day. This is an automated service.
- After 3 consecutive days of illness a medical certificate is required.
Absences of consecutive days without medical certificate or if unexplained/non approved absences will be responded to in accordance with EQI expectations:
- Class teacher will aim to contact you after 3 consecutive days
- Leadership team will contact you for ongoing unexplained absences
- Principal will contact you and provide Guidance Officer counselling/support if required
- Principal to provide EQI official letters.
Collection of students
Should you wish to collect your child during school hours, you must make contact in person, by phone or by note.
You will need to report in person to the office where you will be issued with an early slip which you take to the class teacher in order to collect your child. You are not to collect children from classrooms without this slip from the office.