Serviceton State School becomes Durack State School
Durack State School formally opened in 1960 under the name of Serviceton State School but was renamed in 2001. There have been many building projects that this page highlights.
2010 Jubilee Booklet
Click the cover below to read about Durack State School's Silver and Gold Jubilee celebrations.
Building Education Revolution
There was much excitement amongst the children as the hall construction commenced especially as the initial hole was dug for the foundations which was thought to be a swimming pool. Today our hall is used during the day for PE and after school with OSHC. Visiting performers, incursions, assemblies and general presentations are delivered in this venue. Highlights of the school year include our multicultural concert and D Factor where our families join in the celebrations filling every space available. Two events not to be missed.
State Schools of Tomorrow
Demountable that were used during construction which is now the staff car park. Construction included knocking down the old B block, constructing new Prep classrooms and removal of all asbestos.
The breakfast club and yarning area incorporated the original parent room door that had been the original friendship club and parent drop in space. Vivian Bonner was key to the programs that ran out of this room including a long term Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Playgroup. Over the years on time breakfast celebrations were run each term.
Today our breakfast club which is supported by the YMCA operates out of this area. Meanwhile at lunchtime our boards games club features daily along with being the eating area for our year 1 and 2 students
Our friendship club is an extension of this area which is used in the lunch times as a drop in area for all students.