The Durack School Community has established partnerships with many groups and entities to deliver services and programs to the students of the school. We value these partnerships highly and greatly appreciate their contributions.
Indigenous Elders of Inala
The Indigenous Elders of Inala are valued contributors to the education of both children and teachers at Durack. Beryl Meikeljohn. our school Elder visits us on a regular basis, working with our students.
Albert Holt, nationally recognised for his community work, was our Elder for many years.

Aunty Beryl Uncle Albert
A meeting with the Inala Elders is an essential part of our Indigenous Education Induction Day for new school staff.
Breakfast Club
YMCA, Foodbank, Coles, Blue Fin Fishing Club and Lactalis are our generous supporters. Durack SS was also the first school in Queensland to have a Breakfast Club!
Queensland Police Service
Meet our Adopt-A-Cop Ben. Often seen visiting our classrooms and speaking with our students around the school and community.

Deadly Choices
Deadly Choices aim to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to make healthy choices for themselves and their families .

Helping families through outreach, support, counselling, education, family restoration, and research. The help us by running the Bricks Program.

Glenala State High School
Glenala SHS and Durack SS conduct a transition program for Year 6 students and involves our students in cultural activities.

Ausenco "Books in Homes"
The Books in Homes Australia project and, through them, AUSENCO contribute to our literacy program, with each child in Prep Year receiving several books per year. We thank them sincerely.

Merciful Servants
Most Wednesdays you will see Miss Frost volunteering with Merciful Servants supporting the Inala community. This program was developed by Ansary Muhammed. Merciful Servants have partnered with Brisbane Muslim Youth and Inala Community House every Wednesday evening at 6pm providing hot meals and other items to residents in need. This project brings Inala residents and families together to sit down, eat, and have conversations in a supportive environment.
Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC)
With both groups vitally concerned with the youth of the local community, it is natural that Durack should form a relationship with the Inala PCYC in Swallow St. Some groups attend activities there as arranged and the PCYC provided many Durack children with Before-School and After-School care. Phone (07) 3372 2222 for more information.
Griffith University
Trials and implementation of Clowning Around, and of its successor, Rumble's Quest, software which informs our planning in Social and Emotional Learning.
Launch into Life at Logan teaches our students about pathways open to them after their school years, about University educational options and lifelong learning.

Durack has partnerships with University of Queensland, University of Southern Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University, and Australian Catholic University. These partnerships include student excursions, pre-service teacher placements, curriculum and teacher development and research partnerships.

The Salvation Army
The Inala Corps generously assists us in the Lunch program.

Inala Wangarra
We have been involved in a number of projects including Cluster Indigenous games, support with NAIDOC day, Styling Up art project, and community events.

Blue Fin Fishing Club
Blue Fin Fishing Club in Inala sponsors our Gardening Club and Breakfast Club.
Brisbane City Council Library - Inala branch
Durack students are encouraged to be BCC Library members. Year 6 visits and BCC programs enhance our literacy programs.